Running to the Castle

A podcast for injury-prone runDisney runners on a journey to running magical miles. Join me, Dr. Ali, as I share the secrets I've gathered as a runner, Doctor of Physical Therapy and coach. You'll learn the exact ways I get my clients to the castle strong without feeling broken or held together with KT tape as they cross the finish line.

All Podcast Episodes

Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

Run Your Fastest Dopey in 2026

In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn how to improve your speed and pace so you can run faster at the Dopey Challenge in Disney World in 2026.

Specific important aspects of getting faster are discussed including speed workouts and how fast to run each week to make sure you get faster for Dopey 2026.

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Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

Run Your Strongest Dopey in 2026

Learn when to officially start training for Dopey and what to do leading up to official training. There are specific things to work out and a top mistake to avoid. Avoid this top mistake so you don’t get injured again and you can stop getting minor injuries throughout training.

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Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

Dopey Fueling

Listen to the whole episode to hear examples of how many carbs are in honey stinger waffle, honey stinger chews, clifbloks, gummy bears and more. Top tips for the hard miles, fuel by time not mileage, and how often to take in fuel.

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Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

Race Day Breakfast

In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn what to eat and how to eat first thing in the morning for breakfast on race day, especially if you’re not hungry in the morning or you have to wake up super early (hello runDisney 2am wake ups!)

Some things that may sound crazy include me trying soda first thing in the morning!

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Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

Do You Need to Fuel for a 5k?

In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn my recommendation as a coach for runDisney runners who needs to fuel for a 5k and in what situations you should fuel for a 5k.

Special situations you’ll learn about:

  • Multi-day races like Dopey Challenge

  • Workouts that include strength training or stretching

  • runDisney races with early early morning races

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Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

Race Day Blister and Chafing Prevention

You’ll learn about specific clothing and socks to wear to avoid chaffing on your legs or blisters on your feet. There are special types of bandages you can use in addition to the special socks to give your feet an extra barrier to prevent blisters.

You’ll also learn what to do if you do if you do get blisters to prevent them from getting worse.

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Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

Should You Run Race Week?

For the injury-prone runDisney runner you may want to run the week of your race to get a few final miles in… or you may feel guilty about taking time off.

Listen to this episode to find out which is best: running race week or taking some time off.

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