Podcasts, Blog Posts & Videos
For injury-prone runDisney runners so you can run painfree.
Running to the Castle
A podcast for injury-prone runDisney runners on a journey to running magical miles. Join me, Dr. Ali, as I share the secrets I've gathered as a runner, Doctor of Physical Therapy and coach. You'll learn the exact ways I get my clients to the castle strong without feeling broken or held together with KT tape as they cross the finish line.
In today’s episode of Running to the Castle I had the opportunity to chat with Registered Dietitian Stephanie Hnatiuk. We discuss best practices when fueling for long distance races and multi-day events like the 2 Course Challenge and 4 day events like Dopey.
In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m answering a question a runner emailed me: They missed their long run, what should they do to make it up?
Questions I answer in this episode;
Can you make up that long run later in the week?
Can you tack on the extra miles onto another run?
What do you do about the long run when you’re on vacation?
In this episode of Running to the Castle I am discussing Runner’s Knee. Runner’s knee is also known as Patellofemoral pain syndrome, it’s called Runner’s knee because it’s common in runners but it’s not exclusive to runners. And it’s frustrating to runners because many of the symptoms happen NOT when you’re running.
In this podcast episode I’m answering the question is running more than 3 hours bad for you? I’m talking about this in relation to training for a marathon and discuss if you should or shouldn’t limit your training runs to 3 hours.
Run fast to run slow. This is a concept to run most of your training runs slow so you can improve pace overall. Listen to the podcast episode for why this works and how to do it
Listen in to learn what to do so you don’t cause more pain and have to rest for 6 weeks, instead of the 2 you already rested.
Listen to the episode to learn whether you should strength train before or after you run.
Other topics I talk about include when to start new strength exercises, add more weight or resistance, strength train on long or short run days, and strength train on rest days or not.
In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m talking about what to do and what to avoid when doing strength workouts as a runner with knee arthritis. Learn how to back off painful knees, how to load them properly to maximize your workout without flaring up your knee arthritis.
In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m talking about what to do and what to avoid when doing strength workouts as a runner with meniscus tears.
When you’re doing strength workouts and you have meniscus tears or problems there are a few things you want to be mindful of doing:
deep bending
plant and twist movements
deep bending during a flare
Squats and lunges are the most common recommended exercises for runners to strengthen their glutes. But, not everyone wants to do squats and lunges, especially if their knee really hurts with squats and lunges... for that runner I outline exactly what to do instead of those exercises and strengthen your glutes.
Apple Fitness+ are convenient and easy to access for Apple users. Are they good for runners with knee pain? I've been a physical therapist since 2012 and I receive this workout for my clients. Listen now.
In this episode I was interviewed on The Average Runner Podcast and discuss the best post-run recovery routine and how, as a physical therapist, I know what injury a runner has. Specific examples used in this episode include Knee Arthritis and Runner's Knee
Listen to this episode to find out what kind of strength exercises you should be doing for race day if you have knee problems.
In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m discussing things to be careful and mindful of when you’re doing strength exercises when you have IT Band Syndrome.
In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m discussing things to be careful and mindful of when you’re strengthening your muscles because you have inner knee pain.
In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m discussing how to offload or take the pressure of your knees as a runner.
You’ll hear many people (your friends, coaches, doctors) tell you to strengthen to take the pressure off your knees. Does that really help? Listen to this episode to find out.
In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m discussing why your glutes are so important for your knees when you’re a runner with knee pain.
In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m answering the question: Are squats and lunges bad for my knees?
Some runners will say you need to do more squats and lunges because they’re painful, and others will say don’t do squats and lunges because they’re bad for your knees… so which is it? Are they bad for your knees? Listen to find out.
You know that if you have Runner’s Knee, IT Band Syndrome or Meniscus problems that one of the top recommendations is to strengthen your glutes to support your knees, and you know that squats are a solid way to strengthen your glutes.
But what about when your knees hurt so bad you can’t do squats? I gotchu
Listen to this episode to learn the group of muscles runners need that will give them
And good alignment when they run
In this episode I’m talking about what’s good pain and what’s bad pain in running and how to know when to push through.
In this episode I’m talking about picking the right shoes for your knee problem and fueling right so you don’t bonk on a training run or race day.
How to set up your stretching and post-run recovery routine so you reduce knee pain.
How to set up your training plan to maximize your workouts so you’re ready for runDisney Marathon if you have knee problems. Listen to this episode to learn how to structure your run days and rest days to be ready for the Disney Marathon
For injury-prone runDisney runners to learn the tips to crossing the finish line strong.
Overall this was a great glute workout… I really felt my muscles working. But would it be good for my running clients with knee problems like runner’s knee, knee arthritis, meniscus tears and IT Band Syndrome, just to name a few?? Read on to find out.
Strength exercises are important for overall health and for injury prevention. 80% of runners develop a running injury at some point so having a strength routine in your back pocket could help prevent those injuries.
Strength exercises, as you know, as so important to your training. They can help you feel better, stronger and overall perform better. When done incorrectly they can wreak havoc on your plan, and when done properly they can open doors to racing possibilities. In this article I’ll be going through the what, the who and the how, including a big mistake to avoid so you can optimize your strength training and running plan.
Hey Runner! You’re running, you’re strength training… But does it matter which one you do first? It does… it matters if you run first or strength train first.
The best stretches for after running. After a run is the best time to do static stretching. This post outlines the best stretches to do in less than 15 minutes after you run.
Runners get knee pain and need to strengthen muscles to get rid of their knee pain. These are the best strength exercises for runners with knee pain.
So you want to run a 5k better, faster, stronger… you’re doing all the running and not feeling any better when you run. You want running to feel like less work and have it feel more fun. Adding this type of training will help you run farther, better, faster, stronger. See it’s not just about running… you have to incorporate this, too.
If you want to run 5k and your breathing feels good but your legs feel like lead it’s not that you’re out of shape, it’s that your muscles are out of shape. Your cardio is excellent, great job! And it’s not that your cardio isn’t important for running, it is, it’s that only focusing on cardio holds you back from optimal performance. See adding in strength training allows your muscles to strengthen so they can keep up with your breathing. There are multiple places to find good strength exercises for runners. It’s important to know if the exercises are the right ones for you, if you’re doing them right, how to modify them, how to advance them and many more, which is why I work with clients individually so they can ask the question and get the answer based on their needs without having to search google or youtube again and they get to focus on the workout.