Apple Fitness+ Glute Workouts: Are they Good for Runners with Knee Problems?
Overall this was a great glute workout… I really felt my muscles working. But would it be good for my running clients with knee problems like runner’s knee, knee arthritis, meniscus tears and IT Band Syndrome, just to name a few?? Read on to find out.

Burning Pain in Your Shins When You Run
Learn how to fix your burning shin splints with simple changes.

Strength Training for Runners to Prevent Injury
Strength exercises are important for overall health and for injury prevention. 80% of runners develop a running injury at some point so having a strength routine in your back pocket could help prevent those injuries.

How to Heal Stress Fractures Quickly
If you’re injured with a stress fracture learn how to heal it quickly and how to maintain your fitness while you can’t run.

Best Runner Warm Up
Get the correct warm up for you to run your best and prevent injury.

Will I Be Ok For the Half If I Don’t Do Any More Long Runs?
So if you’re about a month out from your race and an injury has crept up and you can’t do any more long runs, don’t worry. Listen to your body and don’t worry about the calendar. Follow the steps in this article to run a successful half, marathon or challenge.

Running with an Injury: Beyond the Rest
Running with an injury or after being injured is simple. It can be done if you follow these steps outlined. Rest is part of the process, but not the whole process. When you know what to stop doing, and what to do instead you’ll be able to keep running.

Should I Rest or Run on My Injury?
If you’re an injured runner you want to know if you can keep running or if you should rest.

How to Not Lose Running Fitness When Injured
Don’t let your fitness levels worsen because you’re injured. Here are the 2 key things to do today to maintain fitness when you’re injured.

The Best Shoes for Runners (with an Injury)
Shoes are important for runners and many injured runners look for the best shoes for their injury. Read this article to determine what are the best shoes for your injury and where to find them.

Starting Strong and Training Strong
Start your training strong after an injury with these tips to follow, and mistakes to avoid.

Strength Training for Runners
Strength exercises, as you know, as so important to your training. They can help you feel better, stronger and overall perform better. When done incorrectly they can wreak havoc on your plan, and when done properly they can open doors to racing possibilities. In this article I’ll be going through the what, the who and the how, including a big mistake to avoid so you can optimize your strength training and running plan.

Injured during Marathon Training: What to Do Now
If you’re training for a marathon and got injured during training this is the article for you. Learn how to keep training without missing a beat and manage your injury at the same time.

Plantar Fasciitis in Runners
Plantar fasciitis is an injury that is very common in the world of run-walkers. This article goes over what it is, shoes, treatment and prevention of plantar fasciitis.

What is Achilles Tendinitis?
Achilles tendinitis is an acute inflammation and pain in the achilles portion of the calf muscles. I go over what causes it, how to treat it and how to avoid it in this article.

Knee Pain: Can You Run a 5k over WDW Marathon Weekend?
Training after a knee injury requires a strategic approach, one that takes your specific condition into account and tailors the training to your needs. You're not alone on this journey, and in this blog post, I’ll dive into the important aspects of training effectively while managing knee pain. Whether you're running or doing the run walk method, understanding how to navigate your training with knee pain will set you up for success.

Shin splints: run a 5k
The thrill of the WDW Marathon Weekend 5k beckons, but the challenge of shin splints looms. Can you navigate this path of discomfort and still triumph in your race? The answer is a resounding yes. In this comprehensive guide, I delve into the art of training for a 5k while battling shin splints.

Navigating Injury Comeback: Conquering WDW Marathon Weekend with Smart Training
Shin splints, knee pain, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, IT Band Syndrome – these injuries can derail even the most dedicated runner's journey. But fear not, because this year is all about finishing strong and injury-free. If you're determined to cross the finish line with your head held high, read on to learn how to train effectively and conquer those injuries that have held you back before.

How to know what’s causing your running injury
In this blog post I’m answering a question from social media and giving the run down of questions to ask when wondering what’s causing the injury?

Do this if you’re running and injured
When you’re coming back from an injury it’s important to slowly increase how much you run so you don’t get hurt again. You can do this by finding a plan that follows 10P EFT instead of adding a mile to the long run each week.