Running to the Castle
A podcast for injury-prone runDisney runners on a journey to running magical miles. Join me, Dr. Ali, as I share the secrets I've gathered as a runner, Doctor of Physical Therapy and coach. You'll learn the exact ways I get my clients to the castle strong without feeling broken or held together with KT tape as they cross the finish line.
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Strength Training for Injury-Prone runDisney Runners Part 1
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn the top 5 activities to avoid when you’re strength training as an injury-prone runner.
How to Make it So Your Knees Don't Implode
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn how to prevent knee pain and achieve long-term running success.
What to Do if You Think You Need KT Tape or a Knee Brace
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn what to do when you’re thinking you may need KT tape or knee braces to support your knee during your training.
How Do You Even Know What Strength Exercises to Do?
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn how to decide what exercises to do when you’re an injury-prone runner.
Should You Be Doing Squats and Lunges for Your Knee Pain?
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn if squats and lunges are the best exercises for runners with knee injuries.
How Injury-Prone runDisney Runners Finish Dopey without Getting Injured
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn how to finish the Dopey Challenge even when you’re injury-prone without getting injured with strength training.
Plantar Fasciitis Get Rid of The Pain Before Race Day
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn how to get rid of plantar fasciitis pain before race day, like Princess Half Marathon Weekend.
IT Band before Princess How to Get Through it
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn what to do to manage IT Band Syndrome 2 weeks before race day.
Leg Pain Before Princess Race Can You Race?
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn what to do to manage leg pain 2 weeks before the half marathon or 2 course challenge at runDisney.
7 Patterns in runDisney Runners Who DNF Their Race
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn 7 patterns Dr. Ali recognized as a physical therapist to runDisney runners DNF’ing their race.
Shin Splints and Strength Exercises
In this episode of Running to the Castle, you'll learn how to prepare for runDisney races like Chills and Thrills and Wine and Dine, and Dopey through strategic base building, strength training, and personalized pacing and differentiate between soreness and shin splints.
Get Faster to Beat the Balloon Ladies and About Dr. Ali
In this episode of Running to the Castle, you'll learn how to beat the Balloon Ladies and avoid getting swept using the Triple S Method: Speed, Strength, and Stamina.
You’ll also learn personal information about me, Dr. Ali and get to know me better.
Strength Training More Can Hurt You...Avoid this Injury-Causing Mistake
In this episode of Running to the Castle, you'll learn why more strength training isn't always better for injury prevention in runDisney runners.
When Should You Train for Dopey?
In this episode of Running to the Castle, you’ll learn how to strategically prepare for the Dopey Challenge, especially if you're a new runner. I cover the essential steps to avoid injury and cross that finish line strong
Lifting Heavy for Running Injuries
In this episode of Running to the Castle, you’ll learn why jumping straight to heavy lifting might be sabotaging your running goals—and how starting small is the key to long-term strength and injury prevention.
New Running Shoes to Heal Your Injury
In this episode of Running to the Castle, you’ll learn why knee pain and shoe swaps might not be the root of your running struggles
Strength Exercises for When Stretching Hurts
In this episode of Running to the Castle, you’ll learn why eccentric exercises are essential for runners with tendon injuries and how to perform them effectively.
What To Do When Stretching Hurts You
In this episode of Running to the Castle, you’ll learn what to do if stretching hurts you and how to effectively manage pain and tightness without making things worse.
Stretching Hurts You
In this episode of Running to the Castle, you’ll learn why runners with tendinitis often make their symptoms worse with the wrong approach to recovery.
Don’t Get a Coach for runDisney Races If You Want This All Season
In this episode of Running to the Castle you'll learn if you want to spend time all training season googling answers to different things and do it yourself having a coach isn't for you.
This episode is a little tongue-in-cheek which is out of the norm for this podcast, and that's OK we can have a little fun even when Dr. Ali is typically on the serious side.