Who else wants strong glutes?

Glutes Workout

Runner specific at-home glute strength workout for runDisney runners with knee problems who want glute gains without knee pains.

Program starts October 6

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Looking for something to do for your glutes now?

Register for the Build Your Glutes: A FREE workshop for runDisney runners with knee problems to learn how to build strong glute muscles without squats and lunges.

Here's the truth: squats and lunges didn't work because of one really important thing -- they aggravate already painful knees.

Rehab based strength exercises build glute strength without adding pressure to your knees.

I'm here to bring you 12 different workouts that make your glutes stronger and are safe on your knee.

The simplest way for runDisney runners with knee problems to build stronger glutes.

You're ready to heal your knee with stronger glutes.

The only problem? All the workouts you've tried make your knee hurt worse.

This Glutes Workout Program will give you the knee-safe workouts you want to stop re-injuring your knee and start feeling stronger.

Have the strength to run again.

What clients are saying about working with dr. ali…

“I worked with other physical therapists who taught me several exercises, but I did not feel like they adequately addressed my pain and my want to continue training for future races.” -Rachel L