Running to the Castle

A podcast for injury-prone runDisney runners on a journey to running magical miles. Join me, Dr. Ali, as I share the secrets I've gathered as a runner, Doctor of Physical Therapy and coach. You'll learn the exact ways I get my clients to the castle strong without feeling broken or held together with KT tape as they cross the finish line.

All Podcast Episodes

Ali Marty Ali Marty

Strengthening for IT Band Syndrome

In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m discussing things to be careful and mindful of when you’re doing strength exercises when you have IT Band Syndrome.

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Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

Offload Your Knees

In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m discussing how to offload or take the pressure of your knees as a runner.

You’ll hear many people (your friends, coaches, doctors) tell you to strengthen to take the pressure off your knees. Does that really help? Listen to this episode to find out.

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Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

Are Squats and Lunges Bad for Your Knees?

In this episode of Running to the Castle I’m answering the question: Are squats and lunges bad for my knees?

Some runners will say you need to do more squats and lunges because they’re painful, and others will say don’t do squats and lunges because they’re bad for your knees… so which is it? Are they bad for your knees? Listen to find out.

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Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

How to Strengthen Glutes without Squats

You know that if you have Runner’s Knee, IT Band Syndrome or Meniscus problems that one of the top recommendations is to strengthen your glutes to support your knees, and you know that squats are a solid way to strengthen your glutes.

But what about when your knees hurt so bad you can’t do squats? I gotchu

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Podcast Ali Marty Podcast Ali Marty

How to Manage Knee Pain and Continue Running

In this episode I’m talking about managing new pain that has come on for someone in the past few weeks. The example is she went out for a run Monday and got knee pain, knee felt fine on Tuesday, so she went for a run on Wednesday and the pain came back

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