Running to the Castle
A podcast for injury-prone runDisney runners on a journey to running magical miles. Join me, Dr. Ali, as I share the secrets I've gathered as a runner, Doctor of Physical Therapy and coach. You'll learn the exact ways I get my clients to the castle strong without feeling broken or held together with KT tape as they cross the finish line.
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Get Rid of Your Knee Pain with Tactics That Actually Work
Learn 5+ tactics that you can do at home to get rid of knee pain.
Should I Wear a Knee Brace While I Run or Strength Train
Learn if you should be wearing your knee brace when you strength train.
Degenerative vs Acute Meniscus Tears
Learn the difference between degenerative and acute meniscus tears
How Often Can I Run As an Injury-Prone Runner
Learn how often you can run as an injury-prone runner.
How to Pick a Training Plan When You're Injury-Prone
Learn how to pick the best training plan so you don’t flare up your injury when you’re an injury-prone runner.
Do You Need To Break Up Your Strength Workouts Into Arm Day Leg Day and Abs
Learn the best way to structure your strength workouts if you’re an injury-prone runner.
Strength Workouts as an Injured or Injury-Prone Runner
How to adjust your strength workout if you’re injured or prone to injury so you don’t have to rest for a month after a flare up.
How to Make At Home Workouts Harder without Flaring up an Injury
One way to make your workout more challenging without more equipment and without flaring up an injury is doing an eccentric movement. Learn how to do that and more ways to make your workout more challenging at home in this podcast episode.
Strength Training for Injury-Prone Runner The First Step
Strength training for injury-prone runners: take this step first.
The Key to Making Strength Training Work for You as an Injury-Prone runDisney Runner
Make your strength workouts work for you when you’re an injury-prone runDisney runner.
How Strength Workouts Change Throughout the Year as a RunDisney Runner
Maximize your strength workouts as an injury-prone runner with these tips.
What Should You Actually Do in the Off-Season if You're Injury-Prone?
Optimize your runDisney races with the exact way to train when you have a many months before race day.
How to Run Longer Runs When You're Injury-Prone
How to use the 10% rule so you can run more when you’re injury-prone.
How to Get Faster When You're Injury-Prone
Learn how to run faster when you’re an injury-prone runner so you don’t get swept or hurt.
How to Train in the Last Month Before Springtime Surprise
The exact way to train in the last month before Springtime Surprise 10-miler or Challenge when you’re injured or prone to getting hurt.
Training for a runDisney Race When You're injury-Prone
In this episode I'm talking about how to train for a runDisney race even when you're prone to getting hurt or are already injured. Learn what your training plan should include if that's you.
Strength Training to Prevent Injury for RunDisney Runners
Strength training tips for runDisney runners. Learn how to maximize your strength training.
Mistakes You May Be Making That Are Keeping Your Injured
Avoid these commons mistakes that runners make that are keeping them injured