Get Rid of Your Knee Pain with Tactics That Actually Work

Season 1 Episode 31 of Running to the Castle Podcast w/ Dr. Ali Marty

Hey! How's it goin?

Today I'm talking about ways to get rid of your pain that actually work.

Often you'll hear runners recommend to:

  • strength train

  • run slower

  • not ramp up mileage too fast

  • not wear new shoes

But those aren't helpful when one of those things has already happened (accidents happen right?)
Instead use muscle (and joint) recovery techniques

  • Hot epsom salt bath

  • Heat packs

  • OTC or prescription meds

  • Ice bath

  • Ice packs

  • just to name a few

If you’re looking for runDisney training plans click the image below to get access to my free training plans.

Ali Marty

Hi! I’m Ali. I’ve been in the health and wellness space since graduating with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 2012. I worked in the typical outpatient clinic with active men and women with orthopedic injuries (shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, muscle and ligament tears, knee pain, IT Band pain, plantar fasciitis, and hip and knee arthritis until 2018 at which point I started Mobile Physical Therapy in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over the past few years I’ve transitioned to helping women running runDisney races after they’ve had an injury and they want to finish strong and enjoy the rest of their runcation.

The Best Time to Do Something About Your Knee Pain to Make it Go Away Faster


Should I Wear a Knee Brace While I Run or Strength Train