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Get a good night’s sleep with knee pain

Getting a good night’s sleep is imperative to good health.

This is something I believe.

My client Sheryl told me that she always slept like crap. Her mom slept like crap, her sister sleeps like crap and she sleeps like crap.

In order for her to heal well with her arthritis I always encouraged her to get a good night’s sleep. What she didn’t know was how to do that.

She had tried everything:

  • The sleeping pills that make her groggy the next day

  • The ambien that made her sleep walk

  • Not drinking a lot of water before bed so she didn’t wake up for the bathroom

  • No screen time before bed

She just couldn’t get a good night’s sleep and she wanted it to be better, though she didn’t really know why it was affecting her knee so much.

And the thing is if Sheryl couldn’t get a good night’s sleep it would make her inflammation worse.

You’ve heard of the sleep/wake cycle right? Most of us just think of Melatonin with this. But, our hormones do different things when we are awake or asleep. One of those hormones is cortisol.

If we don’t get sleep, our cortisol gets out of control and then it can’t do it’s thing as an anti-inflammatory. So that means lack of sleep means more inflammation.

That’s why getting a good night’s sleep is so important.

Did Sheryl achieve her good night’s sleep, or was it just genetic that she couldn’t get sleep?

She did!

She worked on a few things:

  • Eating less fried foods which were giving her indigestion, especially laying flat at night

  • Getting into a routine with when she went to bed and when she woke up

  • Have a calming routine to wind down - including using lavender oil consistently to calm her nerves at night

It took some time to get in the swing of things, I think she said getting that routine down probably took 2 months and when she was consistent she was feeling so much better.

If you’re looking for knee pain relief check out this free guide I created just for you. I developed a guide to help other women alleviate their knee pain when they’re sick of going to physical therapy and it not working.