using a massager tool for knee pain

I like to run. And I also lift weights. (Notice I didn’t say I like to lift weights?)… I like to feel strong and I like to feel good when I run, so I lift weights. I don’t like lifting weights. It’s a means to an end. Anyway, I like to run and I don’t like being sore.

I will tolerate being a little sore for a short amount of time. But, if the soreness lasts longer than a day I don’t like it and I need to either go get a massage, do more stretching, massage and hot bath after my run, or I need to turn it down on my run.

I remember one run, it was 7 miles and I was feeling so good. My pace was great (I’m not a fast runner so it was great for me), I was feeling good, the weather was perfect. I was just going about my business and then I stepped on a rock in the middle of the sidewalk. It was like a pebble. It was small.

It was toward the end of my run maybe a mile to go. Anyway, with each step after that pebble got in my way I had a pain on the outside of my knee, like the ITBand area. And I was like “oh crap”, preparing myself that this wasn’t going to be good.

As soon as I got home I did my usual stretching and I did extra using my massager gun. I love this thing. It is so awesome. I’ve found that I like this much more than foam roller. Not because it actually does a better job, maybe it does, but it’s much more comfortable to use. I don’t need to lay on my side to be able to massage out my ITB with the massager gun like I would with the ITBand.

So I’m using the massager gun and I took a hot epsom salt bath with lavender oil. Bracing myself for the next day to have more knee pain. Woke up the next day and felt perfectly fine! This was AMAZING. and I attribute the massager gun 100% with feeling so good. So I need to sing it’s praises.

Check out the video of how I use it below.

If you’re looking for knee pain relief check out this free guide I created just for you

Using a massager gun to get rid of knee pain after a run.

Ali Marty

Hi! I’m Ali. I’ve been in the health and wellness space since graduating with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 2012. I worked in the typical outpatient clinic with active men and women with orthopedic injuries (shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, muscle and ligament tears, knee pain, IT Band pain, plantar fasciitis, and hip and knee arthritis until 2018 at which point I started Mobile Physical Therapy in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over the past few years I’ve transitioned to helping women running runDisney races after they’ve had an injury and they want to finish strong and enjoy the rest of their runcation.

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