New Running Shoes to Heal Your Injury

Season 2 of Running to the Castle Podcast w/ Dr. Ali Marty

Episode 96 Do Running Shoes Help Running Injuries runDisney Races

In this episode of Running to the Castle, you’ll learn why knee pain and shoe swaps might not be the root of your running struggles—and how the missing ingredient could be strength training the right way. 

Discover why expensive shoes are like fancy kitchen gadgets: helpful, but not the solution if you’re skipping critical steps. 

Tune in to hear how lifting heavy and building strength could save your knees, help you hit those long miles, and keep those pricey running shoes out of the closet pile!

Other episodes mentioned: Episode 89 5 Key Elements Your Strength Plan Needs So It Works & You Stop Getting Injured

Ali Marty

Hi! I’m Ali. I’ve been in the health and wellness space since graduating with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 2012. I worked in the typical outpatient clinic with active men and women with orthopedic injuries (shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, muscle and ligament tears, knee pain, IT Band pain, plantar fasciitis, and hip and knee arthritis until 2018 at which point I started Mobile Physical Therapy in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over the past few years I’ve transitioned to helping women running runDisney races after they’ve had an injury and they want to finish strong and enjoy the rest of their runcation.

Lifting Heavy for Running Injuries


Strength Exercises for When Stretching Hurts