Get Rid of that Dead Leg Feeling After Disney Race (Post-Race Recovery)
Season 2 of Running to the Castle Podcast w/ Dr. Ali Marty
Episode 81 Leg Recovery after runDisney Races
In this episode of Running to the Castle you’ll learn what to do in the first few days after Dopey to recover fast and get rid of pain and soreness.
Gentle movements</> like mobility exercises where you go through a range of motion but don't hold the position too long
Get up every 30 minutes or so. Every 30 minutes get up and walk some steps: go get some water, then the next time go to the bathroom (bc of all that water amirite?)
Get a massage today or tomorrow
Take a hot epsom salt bath. 20 minutes in a hot epsom salt bath, the magnesium helps with the pain and tightness.
Eat and hydrate! Lots of protein to give those muscles the building blocks they need to recover from the weekend races. Hydrate with water to flush out the lactic acid.