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Run 5k 5 days a week

So you wanna wanna 5 k but your knees are killing you, and everybody says, Well, all that running is gonna ruin your knees, and you're starting to believe so.

Well, I am here to tell you. You can run 5 K.

5 days a week without ruining your needs, so keep watching.

If you want to know how to run a fivek without ruining your knees, and do that regularly. Hi!

I'm Dr. Ali Marty. I am a physical therapist, personal trainer and nutrition coach. I have.

Been treating Women with me. Arthritis and meniscus issues since I was a student in physical therapy school, and then, when I graduated in 2,012 continued on that journey So I have seen these women all across the board surgery post surgery no surgery running not running, whatever they want, and I am here to tell you that somebody telling you that Running's ruining your knees.

Just doesn't know what they talk about, so keep on running far away from them.

Okay, So you want to run a 5 K. Without ruining your knees.

Your knees are killing you. Maybe they're killing you during the run after after the run before the run.

Later in the day, when maybe when you're going to sleep, See?

It's not the running that's ruining your knees.

Do you have pain? Yes, you are not imagining that, but you can run, and you can run without your knees hurting.

You see, it's all about how stressed your knees are.

So that's s t, r e S.’ d.

So stressed It's what I talk about when talking about me problems with Meniscus or arthritis.

So I specifically work with women who want to run 5 K.

5 days a week, and I believe that you can, and you can do it without your knees hurting you.

It's all about how stressed your knees are.

So what is stressed? The stressed system is talking about the strength you're doing, the training you're doing. Recovery.

You're doing the equipment you're using the stretching you're doing, and the diet what you're eating.

So those 6 components, all combined together make it so that you can run 5 K.

5 days a week, if you wanted to say, Most women I work with are on the 3 or 4 day a week path, but there are some that like to do it every weekday.

They're keeping up the schedule, because Monday through Friday they have a very strict schedule, and they like to get that me time.

They like to get some stress release, and so they keep up with the Running 5 K. 5 days a week, and you can do that. So let's break it down, for you.

Follow along on this video. Keep watching and I will share with you the 6 components what that entails and what you should be doing in order to keep running 5 k distances 5 days a week

So this stress system, this strength, training, recovery, equipment, stretching and diet that you're doing are keeping you moving easily, so that your knees don't hurt and you can run a fivek.

Okay. So the strength component you need strong muscles.

You need to build up those muscles to support your body, and the best way to strengthen those muscles

The best way to strengthen those muscles is to do a variety of motions so you don't just want to strengthen the muscles that you think your knees need.

So you don't want to just strengthen the muscles

So you don't want to just strengthen the muscles you think you're using when you're running, You need an all-encompassing program so that in court includes core exercises upper body strength lower body.

Strength so ankles, knees, hips, core shoulders, postural muscles, all of those muscles need to get stronger, So that's the strength, routine that you're doing.

Let's talk about your training, the training that you're doing this is specifically the cardiovascular training.

You're doing so, this could be running. It could also be walking or bike riding the other cardio that you're doing it, and it includes your cross training.

You're running, and you're walking. So running, you wanna make sure that you're following the 10% rule.

So only increasing no more than 10% each week. That's for any of your cardio training Going too far too fast is recipe for disaster.

So making sure your training is appropriate and progressed appropriately.

Okay, your recovery. Let's talk about recovery. Recovery is what you're doing.

After your run and on any days off. So making sure that you are getting some rest in there, recovery can include your stretching includes ice.

He epsom salt baths, massage, using a phone roller, massage gun.

All of the recovery techniques to help you feeling good so that you can recover after. So you feel excellent to go out the next day equipment, making sure that you're using the right equipment for your body and for what you're doing you want to be wearing running shoes, if you're going running. You want to wear walking, shoes.

If you're going walking, you want to wear cycling shoes.

If you're going cycling. So the equipment that you use can help, or it can hinder your performance.

Making sure that your shoes fit right. The type of soul that you have in that shoe, or any other kind of equipment, making sure it's good quality, equipment that you're using make sure that the equipment you're using is good quality equipment.

You want to make sure your shoes fit right?

And then all of the other equipment you're using.

How good of the quality is it that you're using?

If it's not good quality, it's not going to help you

Stretching the stretching you're doing. Are you doing an active, warm-up before you start running, walking, cycling, whatever it is that you're doing.

If it's a Cross training day, maybe you're walking or cycling, or it's actually a running day.

Are you doing an active, warm up, and then add after your run?

Are you doing static? Stretching? Help! Stretch out those muscles elongate those muscles, so that they don't feel so tight, stiff, and sore.

Finally diet, what are you putting in your body? What are you eating and drinking to help support your body just like other things?

Diet can help hinder, just like other things. Your diet can help, or hinder your performance.

So are you eating enough protein to build up muscle after you do all of that strength and all of that training.

Are you eating fats, so that you have energy throughout the day?

Remember you want good quality fats. You want things like raw nuts, and seeds.

Avocado, all of oils, a void seed oils.

Avoid the those bad fats, and then also carbs. You do need carbs if you're running, your body needs quick energy to propel yourself in a running routine.

So somebody who's avoiding Carbs they're not gonna feel as good running.

Will they be able to run? Yep, they will. They just aren't gonna feel so great doing.

Okay, So that is the stressed system. That is, the 6 components that you need to focus on.

If you want to run a fivek 5 days a week, or just run 5 K.

Distances, without your knees killing you. It's no one thing that's going to help you.

It's all of those things combined. So maybe you're better at one thing than the other 5, or maybe you're really good at a couple.

But the other ones really are taking a back seat. You want an all over, all encompassed, well balanced, well rounded routine to help you run without your knees bugging you