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How To Have Energy & Not Crash At 2pm

I thought I was eating so healthy. Why was I getting so hungry so soon and crashing so soon? My typical breakfast was an egg fried over hard on an English muffin with orange juice… that's healthy right? I'm not having fried chicken or something. Of course my egg is fried over hard but it's olive oil, So that's fine right?

Why am I still so hungry? and why did I get that crash?

What I didn't know was that yes that was a relatively healthy breakfast.

It's not just pancakes… it's not waffles covered in syrup, 

but it wasn't a full and complete meal, and in order to stay fuller longer, I needed a full meal.

So what was I missing? 

The English muffin was carbs. The egg was protein, and then the orange juice was carbs again, ( with sugar) I was missing fats.

So why does that matter? 

Keeping a balanced meal with protein fats and carbs is what's gonna keep you fuller longer.

If you just have carbs, just cereal, just pancakes, just waffles. Not only are you going to be hungry really soon after you eat you're also going to get a sugar crash, and you're going to be irritable and angry. 

If you only have eggs you're not going to be quite very fulfilled and you might feel sluggish from not having those quick carbs. Then you might have some brain fog and feel like, you can't really focus without fats so in order to have a well-balanced meal. You need protein fats and carbs.

So I started adding avocado to that egg sandwich, and it worked wonders.

I was fuller longer. I also could have added bacon I don't really like bacon, so I didn't add bacon. I like avocado. 

But if we're being honest I don't really like egg, and so I actually really stopped eating eggs for breakfast, because I found something better i've since moved on to a protein smoothie that has fat in it, and protein and carbs, and that keeps me fuller longer, and I like the taste a lot better than the taste of eggs.

So the whole point of this story is if you want to feel fuller longer, and not have that crash and not feel like you can't focus if you want to have a good breakfast make sure it has protein, fats and carbs in it.

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