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Control Inflammation From The Inside Out

To help my husband (and myself) control the inflammation in our bodies going sugar-free for us was a game changer.

So many of you know that my husband has Celiac disease, and so we have to eat gluten-free. And when we went gluten-free it was really hard. Nobody gave us any guidance. They just said eat gluten freight, and you think that this would be really easy.

Just don't eat things that have gluten in them but what you don't know is where there's all the hidden gluten in so many different things like in the corn tortillas that were our favorite that had hidden wheat flour in them you'd think that corn tortillas were gluten-free.

They're not necessarily… so it was really hard and it still wasn't calming down all of the symptoms that we wanted to get rid of. So then we went dairy-free because the doctor said, ‘Well, you are probably lactose intolerant’, and that didn't work.

And then, after doing that for years, well in the middle of doing all of that, somebody said, go sugar free.

And when we did the gluten-free and dairy free for years, and just figured it will take time. It will take time. It will take time.

No, if it's not working in a month something else needs to change.

And when we went to sugar-free in January of 2021, it was a game changer.

We reduced alcohol intake. we reduced refined in sugar intake, cutting out candies, alcohol, wine, beer, liquor.

And then we started just cooking and baking refined sugar-free, and we still do that by we I mean me. I'm, the one that cooks but after cutting out the sugar for probably 2 months that's when we started adding a little bit back in and that was okay for us.

It's not okay for everybody, not everybody tolerates it very well.

But I still cook and bake refined sugar free.

So I still bake and cook with a raw honey pure maple syrup or coconut sugar, but otherwise there's no other sugars or sweeteners in it.

No stevia no fake sugars nothing i've cut it all out, because then I know that when we eat a snickers bar every once in a while or we have a glass of wine that's the sugar I know how much sugar we have had so we have better control over it when there's hidden sugar in so many things like in your ketchup in your pasta sauce and enchilada sauce… seasonings… pre packaged seasonings have sugar in them (most of them do), and so we don't use pre-packaged anything. I make everything from scratch including our taco seasoning but when you don't know with all of the added sugar that's in there.

It adds up throughout the day. So when I cook at home we eat in more than we go out to eat.

Then, when we do have a dessert, we go out to a birthday party and have a piece of cake or some ice cream.

We know exactly how much sugar we just had because nothing else we've eaten that day had any of the added sugar, and that's how we mean control, and can still have some sugar in moderation.

But there's hidden sugar in so many places just like there's hidden gluten and hidden dairy, and not everybody needs to go gluten-free or dairy free. 

I do recommend all of my clients who have pain and inflammation that they do go refined sugar-free. And cook more than they go out to eat. 

Because that's a way to control the information from the inside out.

If you can control it, you can prevent it. and then you only need medications for flare-ups, and you can still have some sugar in moderation, because you know that's all the sugar that you've had.

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