Access Granted!

The BEST Post-Race Routine is being sent to your email right now!

If it’s not there yet, no worries, it’s on the way!

To be sure you got it check for any emails from me, Ali Marty

Want to cross the finish line strong?

For runDisney runners who felt like they couldn’t get past the 8 mile training run without causing injuries and know they need to get stronger to not get injured again, want to get faster so they know they can beat the balloon ladies and improve their stamina so they can go the distance…

The Stronger. Faster. Finisher. Program will get you the results you want.

The interest list for this program is now open, training begins March 23.

In the meantime here are a few free resources to check out

Subscribe to Running to the Castle Podcast

A podcast for injury-prone runDisney runners on a journey to running magical miles. Join me, Dr. Ali, as I share the secrets I’ve gathered as a runner, Doctor of Physical Therapy and coach. You’ll learn the exact ways I get my clients to the castle strong without feeling broken or held together with KT tape as they cross the finish line.

Follow on Instagram @rundisneydpt

An instagram page for injury-prone runDisney runners to learn how to train the right way to get rid of the pain and cross the finish line.

For the runner looking for more guidance with specific strategy and tactics based on their injury you can check out some paid options below:

1-on-1 Training w/ Dr. Ali

Glute Strength Workouts