Why are you still on the couch when you could be training?

Steal my secrets to recovering the right way so you can run asap.

If you’re not “actively resting” during your time off then we need to talk.

Real talk: if you’re still in pain when you run even after taking a few weeks off to rest, it’s not because you didn’t rest enough.

It’s because you haven’t found the balance of adequate rest and enough training.

Enter Rest Your Best Checklist

The best way for injured runDisney’ers to ditch the couch and lace up their shoes.

I’ll show you the ropes on how to rest your best so you can run.

Rest Your Best Checklist FREE PDF

Get clear on how to recover the best way for you.

Spend your time training instead of being stuck on the couch

Ali’s plan has helped me go from recovering from my stress fracture to beginning to enjoy running again.”

Rachel C

Rest Your Best Checklist

Access the FREE checklist so you can rest your best and get back to running ASAP .

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Dr. Ali is a coach for injured runners.