The only training plan made exclusively to help you heal while you run.

Steal my secrets to running after an injury.

“I am thrilled with going, for a run and then not having pain the next day and not feeling like there was a bowl of Jell-O rolling around in my knee, so thank you for that.”

- Dana S

I’m thrilled

If you’re “just winging it” on your first run back we need to talk.

You want to cross that finish line at your next runDisney race.

You want to feel strong.

You want to be able to wear that finisher’s medal proudly.

But so far, everything you’ve tried has left you feeling confused on how to progress slowly or ease back in after getting the OK to run again after an injury.

You’re ready for a better way - a way that *actually* works.

That’s where I come in.

The best way to jumpstart runDisney training for runners who want to cross the finish line in one piece.

I’ll show you the ropes on how to run after an injury so you don’t wind up back on the couch.

Jumpstart Your Training Free PDF

Get clear on exactly how far you should run.

“I can not recommend Dr. Ali's training plan enough… I'm back to running, and couldn't be happier.  I'm able to train for upcoming races AND feel better mentally.” - Dana S


how’s it goin?

I’m Dr. Ali

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy, personal trainer and nutrition coach with a passion for showing injured runners what’s possible when you stop listening to doctors who don’t run and start building confidence that you can run without getting hurt again.

I know it can seem like “easing back in” should be easy, but we both know that only leads to confusion and worse pain later. With a training plan designed specifically to how much your injury can endure you’ll be able to run tomorrow.

It’s time you finally got to enjoy running again.

“Ali’s plan has helped me go from recovering from my stress fracture to beginning to enjoy running again.  She helped me to build my confidence back and thinking that my goals for my next RunDisney event is totally achievable.” - Rachel C

Start your running transformation today with my free pdf that will have you running by tomorrow.

Jumpstart Your Training

Get the jumpstart you need to run.

Jumpstart Your Training

Access the FREE guide below so you can start running TOMORROW

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Dr. Ali is a coach for injured runners.