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Running after Meniscus Surgery

Season 1 Episode 28 of Running to the Castle Podcast w/ Dr. Ali Marty

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Hey! How's it goin?
In today's episode I am answering the question: Can I run after meniscus surgery?

In this episode some important topics include
Chapters & Topics:

Recovery from Meniscus Surgery

  • Recovery process following meniscus surgery,

    •  distinguishing between meniscus repair and meniscectomy surgeries. 

  • Recovery timelines for each type of surgery, emphasizing the need for patience and 

  • Adherence to specific criteria before starting a return to running program. 

  • Normal post-activity swelling and its expected duration during the recovery period.

  • Types of meniscus surgery

  • Recovery time after meniscus repair

  • Recovery time after meniscectomy

  • Return to running program after meniscus repair

Return to Running Program After Meniscus Surgery

  • Return to running program after meniscus surgery. 

  • Details the guidelines for gradually increasing jogging distance and 

  • Emphasizes the importance of controlling pain and swelling, strength training, and maintaining cardiovascular endurance to aid in recovery.

Rehabilitation after Meniscus Surgery

  • Case study

    • Patient's delay in starting therapy after meniscus surgery led to a significant bend in the knee, 

    • causing complications in the rehabilitation process. 

    • Importance of starting therapy promptly and maintaining a straight knee for successful rehabilitation.

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